Now that the excitement of Freshers' Week and Halloween is well and truly over, for some of us the winter slump feels inevitable. The cold mornings and early nights do anything but benefit our motivation or lust for life. Patterns of snoozing the morning alarm and choosing a cosy bedroom to a social life are bound to rupture the routines set during the first few months of a fresh semester, so how can we enjoy the changing seasons without any guilt?
Firstly, it's important to note that habits formed before the constant gloomy weather will likely not last much longer. Whilst some peers may continue their productivity seemingly uninterrupted, it's completely normal for yours to decrease. The easiest way to begin to love the changing seasons is to first notice them. Change is inevitable, and though it might not feel like it, in a few months the heat will just be too sticky and the city center far too busy, so we'll all be wishing for these quieter months back. Ease yourself into it, grab a thick scarf and make peace with the calm of the cold.
That said, though winter is beyond easy to romanticize, don't get caught up in a completely idealised world. Set aside time for the essentials whilst allowing yourself to enjoy it. An assignment due soon but lacking the willpower because of the grey skies? Pack your favourite hot drink and find a cosy spot in the library - small rewards are at least some incentives to help rebuild a routine to get through the seasons.
Prioritizing wellbeing is very important, especially when mood can be so dependent on our surroundings and the seasons. Joining societies or staying in touch with friends will make these isolating months a bit less lonely even if you really don't want to leave the warmth of your student housing.
In short, the seasons will wait for no one, and time will pass either way. Learn to love the new seasons by not feeling guilty for changing with them.