Society Spotlight: Film Society

Film fanatics, this one's for you

Zahra Hanif
9th November 2023
Image credit: Instagram @nclfilmsoc
Interested in film? Do we have the society for you! Newcastle University's Film Society offers not only regular screenings of films, but workshops relating to film production, as well as regular socials and even their own Radio Show for those interested in chatting about all things film. 

Last year, I joined the society myself, as someone with an awful concentation span (the average film might take me three breaks to get through on my own) who enjoys films, but with a somewhat limited taste. Attending Film Soc meant I got to expand on this, as the screenings were selected by the committee, with genres I'd never dreamed of reaching for before. It's a great environment, with regular pub trips following the screenings for some socialising and the opportunity to meet those with share interests. 

socialising and the opportunity to meet those with share interests

What I didn't necessarily expect was the production side of the society - I only signed up for a few movies and drinks! But as someone who'd tried out screenwriting very casually and infrequently before, attending their workshops was a great opportunity to build my confidence in my screenwriting, take it up more consistently, even working up to a full script, and even try my hand at production, something I'd never dreamed I'd get to do. I would wholeheartedly recommend if you're interested in filmmaking, even casually. 

I got the chance to speak to the Head of Radio, Jess McKeown, about the society. Here's what she told me: "At Film-Soc we host movie screenings every Monday from a variety of genres, followed by a trip to the pub to chat. For those more interested in making films, there are production and writing workshops run by our Heads of Production, as well as a radio show every Sunday. Film-Soc is such a great society to join if you enjoy watching films and meeting like-minded people and everyone is really welcoming.".

would wholeheartedly recommend if you're interested in filmmaking, even casually

Check Film Soc out on Instagram @nclfilmsoc, and if you're interested in joining, a membership is only £5 off NUSU for the entire academic year, and includes all of the above!

AUTHOR: Zahra Hanif
English literature student :)

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