What fashion means to me?

Is having a personal style the same as being 'into fashion'?

Poppy Bedford
2nd April 2024
Image credit: Cam Morin, Unsplash
For a long time I was always told I was into fashion. I dressed a certain way and because it wasn't the same as other people around me, it meant I was 'into fashion'.

When I got older I think I realised that I didn't really like fashion, I didn't like watching runways or keep up with trends, and I didn't follow people who where 'fashionable'. I think, when you dress a certain way, or have a certain aesthetic people assume you are fashionable because they don't know what else you are. I also think that this is less and less true as fashion cycles speed up to a place where people can't keep up. Instead, developing their own style.

In my mind, fashion is not something I care about, it is always changing and adapting and will dictate what's in the shops but it's not necessary. Style is something we all have, whether you acknowledge it or not, and that's what I care about.

Style doesn't have a size guide, or a price range or limitations in the way fashion does, and I care more about someone's style than I ever will there fashion as it's a conscious reflection of who they are.

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